Backend.AI Client SDK for Python

This is the documentation for the Python Client SDK which implements the Backend.AI API.


Python 3.5.3 or higher is required.

You can download its official installer from, or use a 3rd-party package/version manager such as homebrew, miniconda, or pyenv. It works on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Getting Started

We recommend to create a virtual environment for isolated, unobtrusive installation of the client SDK library and tools.

$ python3 -m venv venv-backend-ai
$ source venv-backend-ai/bin/activate
(venv-backend-ai) $

Then install the client library from PyPI.

(venv-backend-ai) $ pip install -U pip setuptools
(venv-backend-ai) $ pip install

Set your API keypair as environment variables:

(venv-backend-ai) $ export BACKEND_ACCESS_KEY=AKIA...
(venv-backend-ai) $ export BACKEND_SECRET_KEY=...

And then try the first commands:

(venv-backend-ai) $ --help
(venv-backend-ai) $ ps

Check out more details about client configuration, command-line examples, and code examples.

Indices and tables